FrankieBoyPatriotEmma “Em” Schroeder, Morrison, IL, and her purebred Pomeranian, “Frankie Boy,” issued a fundraising challenge to benefit the future Morrison Bark Park.

They will match $500 worth of donations from supporters and dog lovers.

The deadline for their matched donations is the first week of June.

“[Many] of us…are eagerly waiting for the new dog park to begin construction.  Phase No. 1, understandably, would be the fencing.  To date, $12,000 in donations have been made toward the cost of $40,000.  In addition, applications for grants are in the works.  I would like to personally propose a Matching Fundraiser of $500.  For example, if you donate $50, I will match it.  If you donate $20, I’ll add $20.  So, if five people each donate $50, that would quickly add up to $250.”

Her match would turn those donations into $500.

“However small or large the amount, your gift will be appreciated.”

Make your check payable to Morrison Lion’s Foundation, with “Em Dog Park” in the memo line.  Mail payment to Karla Burn, 700 Coralyn Drive, Morrison, IL  61270, or  Venmo@Kathy-Schmidt-55.

“Thank you for your interest in this long-awaited, beautiful addition to the north side of our town!”
