Whiteside County is expecting to begin vaccinating Phase 1b individuals on Monday, January 18, 2021.  Due to the size of Phase 1b, not all eligible individuals will be able to be vaccinated immediately.  We ask individuals to continue monitoring local media, Whiteside County Health Department social media, and whitesidehealth.org.

Individuals included as part of Phase 1b include frontline workers who are at high risk of exposure, due to their inability to work remotely and who must work in close proximity to others, and older individuals who have been greatly affected by COVID-19.  This includes First Responders, Fire, Law Enforcement, 911 Workers, Security Personnel, School Officers, Education (Congregate Child Care, Pre-K through 12th), Food and Agriculture, Manufacturing, Corrections Workers and Inmates, USPS Workers, Public Transit Workers, Grocery Store Workers, Shelters, and those age 65 and older.

At this time, vaccine is still limited, so the Whiteside County Health Department is focusing on frontline essential workers who are at high risk of exposure.  We hope this will protect our entire community by safeguarding critical services.  It will help break the chain of transmission, among individuals who are forced to be exposed due to an inability to work remotely or social distance.  Businesses who fall into Phase 1a or Phase 1b should make sure to visit the Whiteside County Health Department’s website and complete the COVID-19 Vaccine Notifications for Businesses.  The Health Department will reach out directly when they are eligible:  https://www.whitesidehealth.org/covid-19-information/covid-19-information.html.

The Whiteside County Health Department (WCHD) will hold clinics for Whiteside County residents who are 65 or older and eligible as part of Phase 1b.  Individuals who fall into this category should continue to monitor their local media outlets, WCHD social media sites, and register to receive updates directly through WCHD’s Website:  https://www.whitesidehealth.org/covid-19-information/covid-19-information.html.

The Health Department is also partnering with CGH Medical Centers and the Morrison Community Hospital to supply these providers with vaccine as it becomes available.  The goal of this partnership is to target their patients who are 65 and older who are most at risk for severe complications related to COVID-19 due to age or certain medical conditions.  Currently, this supply is limited.  Check these provider’s websites and social media for more information.

Finally, the Health Department is working with IDPH, local pharmacies and other providers that can administer vaccine, to expand vaccine supply, availability, and to protect individuals who are most at risk.