This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is fourth in a series.

Political opponents of Medicare for All (M4A) will tell you that it is a nice concept, but unachievable, because it would be too expensive and explode the Nation’s debt.  South Africa is a far poorer Country than ours, but they can “afford” to provide needed medical care for all their residents.

Ironically, a conservative “think tank” funded by the Koch brothers, released a 24-page study by Charles Blahous.  He is a former Economist for President George W. Bush.  The study is a Mercatus Working Paper, published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

It reached a shocking conclusion, that M4A would cost $32.6 trillion dollars over the next ten years.  Blahous was using Senator Bernie Sanders’s proposal.  Read his report carefully, however, and you will find that Sanders’s Bill would actually save $2 trillion dollars over that ten year period!

Another study was conducted at the Economic and Political Research Institute (EPRI) at the University of Massachusetts.  It considered a Government, single-payer health care program–covering everyone for all medically necessary treatment–as found in both Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal’s and Senator Sanders’s proposals.  This study was done by a team of researchers lead by Robert Pollen and runs to 121 pages.

EPRI concluded that M4A would save 10% in the first few years of implementation and likely 20% after that.  They concluded that a sales tax on gross receipts exceeding $1,000,000 of 1.78% would be sufficient to pay for the program.

Also, a family with an income of $13,000 a year would save $478 dollars on health care cost.  A family with a $35,000 income would save $280.  The big winners would be families with income of $60,000, who would save $3860 a year.

So, if a U. S. Senator or Representative tries to tell you that M4A is too expensive, tell them they ought to do their homework!  It is no more of a so-called “Government takeover of health care” than “Medicare” is for Seniors.  Medicare for All takes care of everyone while costng less than what we are presently spending for healthcare.

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