SpiderDirector LeAnn Schaefer stated, “In the face of COVID-19, Morrison, IL, Chamber of Commerce decided to hold our fall event in a different format….This year we promoted a series of Virtual Contests for children, adults, and businesses:  Costume, Pumpkin Decorating, and Door Decorating.”

There was a Scavenger Hunt along Main Street; the riddles/clues featured several businesses.  Answer sheets could be submitted for a gift card drawing.  Teaghan Tipton and Avery Williams each won a $25 gift card card to DQ Grill & Chill in Morrison. 

Winners are listed in the graphic below.  Additional information:  the Brackemyers won the Group Costume Contest award.

The culminating event was a success, on Friday, October 30, 2020, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.  Families stopped by the “Haunted” Robert Millikan Pocket Park, next to the Chamber building, 221 W. Main Street, in Morrison.  It was decorated artfully for a slightly scary Halloween stroll.  Individually-wrapped treats, cotton candy, and hot dogs were available.

The park decoration committee included Myra Huizenga, Meridith Layne, Joe Robbins, Halle and LeAnn Schaefer, and Kevin Schlisler.  Visitors watched the slideshow of contest winners.




















Jean Eggemeyer and daughter Anna offered treats.























Jennifer Alvarado’s design (top) took third place in the Door Decor contest.  The Beauty Hutch design took first place.




Isaac and Annabelle Blevins visited the pocket park graveyard earlier in the week.

