BlakeklynMuschThere will be a public fundraiser for Blakelyn Musch, infant daughter of Aubry and Loren Much.  Blakelyn is now in a St. Louis hospital.  If all goes well, she might be able to come home in a month or so.  The event is from 2:00 to 10:00 p.m., at Triple Play Bowling Alley, 1601 9th Avenue, Fulton, IL, on Saturday, February 22, 2020.  All donations will help with expenses for unpaid medical bills, food, transportation, and lodging.

A live DJ will provide music.

There will be $5 food plates of Sloppy Joes and macaroni and cheese, silent auctions, a booze barrel, 50-50 auction, raffle baskets, and a bake sale. 

Prayers are also welcomed and needed.

Contact Amber Barns with questions at 563-508-4804.