The fourth child to receive a free bicycle during the 2019 Whiteside County Fair was third grader Ella Kelly, 8, of Morrison, IL.  She has a bike, but it has “bad tires.”  She rides around the block of her neighborhood and may ride to Southside School “eventually,” stated her mother.  Ella has no safety helmet.  However, at the end of the school year each third grader receives bike safety training and a helmet.  The generous sponsor was Kophamer and Blean Realty of Morrison.  Fair Board Vice President in charge of the Dairy Department is Brian Oostenryk, Sr.  He shared Ella’s win.


Nine local Nurses and EMT personnel assured that injuries, medical issues, or heat exhaustion were addressed quickly, inside the Morrison Community Hospital First Aid tent.  They were Micki Dettman (Chief Nursing Officer); Amber Dowd (Doctor’s Medical Assistant); Stephanie Gilroy (OR Nurse); Becky Green (OR Nurse); Kelsie Lowrey (ER Nurse); Cindy Nimmick (EMT Medic); Shelly Price (Medic); Taylor Ryan (Doctor’s Medical Assistant); Linda Trent (ER Nurse.)  Trent is the Coordinator and was not photographed.

Wednesday staff was Green, left, and Gilroy.


Friday staff, left-to-right, was Nimmick, Dettman, Lowrey, and Price.


Saturday staff was Dowd, left, and Ryan.


Winners are listed for Junior Beef, Open Beef, Open Culinary, Open Floriculture, and Open Heavy Horses


Kyle J. Bird of Laura took Champion Heifer Over-All-Breeds with a Shorthorn.  Cody Jacobs of Erie took Cow/Calf Champion Over-All-Breeds with a Simmental at the 149th Annual Whiteside County Fair’s Junior Beef Show.


Heifer Champion Overall:  Kyle J. Bird, Laura, with Shorthorn

Heifer Reserve Champion Overall:  Austin K. Miller, Lanark, with Angus

Cow/Calf Champion Overall:  Cody Jacobs, Erie, with Simmental

Cow/Calf Reserve Champion Overall:  Cody Jacobs, Erie, with Angus


Bull Champion Overall:  Kyle J. Bird, Laura, with Shorthorn

Bull Reserve Champion Overall:  Cody Jacobs, Erie, with Simmental


Grand Champion Steer Overall:  Koby Kearns, Winslow with Crossbred

Reserve Champion Steer Overall:  Koby Kearns, Winslow with Angus


Junior Division (ages 8-10) Showmanship:  Charlotte E. Musser, Pearl City

Intermediate Division (ages 11-14) Showmanship:  Koby Kearns, Winslow

Senior Age Category (ages 15-18) Showmanship:  Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark

Herdsman Award Sponsored by Kyle Miller Memorial:  Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark


Angus Cow and This Year’s Calf:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown

Angus Jan. to Present (Heifer):  1. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown; 2. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Angus May – Aug. 31 (Heifer):  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark

Angus Pair of Females:  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark

Angus Champion and Reserve:  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Koby Kearns, Winslow

Angus Jan .- April 30:  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown

Angus Jan. – April 30:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie; 2. Jacob P. Kolb, Harmon; 3. Lucas Kolb, Harmon

Angus Jan. – April 30:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow


Other Jan. – April 30:  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City; 3. Nikki Ebersole, Sterling

Other Champion and Reserve Heifer:  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City; 3. Nikki Ebersole, Sterling


Hereford Jan. – April 30:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow

Hereford Champion Reserve Heifer:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow


Shorthorn Bull Calf Jan. to Present:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Shorthorn May – Aug 31 (Heifer):  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Shorthorn Jan. – April 30:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Shorthorn Pair of Females:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Shorthorn Champion And Reserve:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Shorthorn Bull Calf Champion:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura


Simmental Cow and This Year’s Calf:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Simmental Bull Calf Jan. to Present:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Simmental Pair of Females:  1. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark

Simmental Champion Heifer And Reserve:  1. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark; 2. Koby Kearns, Winslow

Simmental Bull Calf Champion:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Heifer Champion Overall and Reserve:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Austin K. Miller, Lanark

Cow/Calf Champion Overall and Reserve:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie; 2. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Grand Champion Bull Calf:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Simmental Jan. – April 30:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Nikki Ebersole, Sterling; 3. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark

Simmental Jan. – April 30:  1. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark


Junior Steer Division 1:  1. Peyton Urish, Chadwick

Junior Steer Division 2:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Charlotte E. Musser, Pearl City; 3. Drake B. Musser, Pearl City

Junior Champion and Reserve:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Charlotte E. Musser, Pearl City


Purebred Angus Light Weight:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City

Angus Champion and Reserve Steer:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City

Purebred Light Hereford:  1. Jace Urish, Chadwick

Hereford Champion and Reserve Steer:  1. Jace Urish, Chadwick

Shorthorn Division 1:  1. Allissa Martin, Oregon; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown

Shorthorn Champion and Reserve Steer:  1. Allissa Martin, Oregon; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown

Light Simmental:  1. Nikki Ebersole, Sterling; 2. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Heavy Simmental:  1. Peyton Urish, Chadwick; 2. Bode V. Martin, Oregon; 3. Brooke Chandler, Erie

Simmental Champion and Reserve Steer:  1. Peyton Urish, Chadwick; 2. Bode V. Martin, Oregon

Grand Champion Overall and Reserve:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Koby Kearns, Winslow


Koby Kearns of Winslow took Grand Champion Overall Steer for the second year in a row, at the 149th Annual Whiteside County Fair’s Open Beef Show.


Grand Champion Steer Overall:   Koby Kearns, Winslow, with Commercial

Reserve Grand Champion Steer Overall:  Koby Kearns, Winslow, with Angus

Heifer Champion Overall:  Kyle J. Bird, Laura with Shorthorn

Heifer Reserve Overall:  Brea N. Musser, Pearl City, with AOB Commercial

Cow/Calf Champion Overall:  Andrew Geiger, Sterling, with Angus

Cow/ Calf Reserve Overall:  Adam Morgan, Prophetstown,

Bull Calf Champion Overall:  Kyle J. Bird, Laura, with Shorthorn

Bull Calf Reserve Champion Overall:  Cody Jacobs, Erie with Simmental

Top Ten Angus Heifer Champion (Premiums Paid by Angus Association):  Koby Kearns, Winslow

Top Ten Angus Steer Reserve Champion:   Austin K. Miller, Lanark

Family Exhibitor Pair of Females Overall Champion:  Kyle J. Bird, Laura with Shorthorn

Family Exhibitor Pair of Females Overall Reserve Champion:  Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark


Cow and This Year’s Calf:  1. Andrew Geiger, Sterling; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown; 3. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Jan. to Present (Heifer):  1. Andrew Geiger, Sterling; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown; 3. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Sept. to Dec. 31 – This Year:  1. Andrew Geiger, Sterling

May to Aug. 31 (Heifer):  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark

Pair of Females:  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Andrew Geiger, Sterling

Angus Heifer and Reserve:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Austin K. Miller, Lanark

Top Ten Angus Heifer:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 3. Austin K. Miller, Lanark

Jan. to Present (Heifer):  1. Morse Reynolds, Hanover

Jan. to April 30:  1. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown

Jan. to Ap.r 30:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie; 2. Jacob P. Kolb, Harmon; 3. Lucas Kolb, Harmon

Jan. to Apr. 30:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslowg


Jan. – April 30:  1. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City; 2. Austin K. Miller, Lanark; 3. Nikki Ebersole, Sterling

Other Champion and Reserve Heifer:  1. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City; 2. Austin K. Miller, Lanark


Jan. – April 30:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Breslyn Reynolds, Prophetstown

Hereford Champion and Reserve Heifer:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Breslyn Reynolds, Prophetstown


Bull Calf:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Jan. to Present:  1. Parker Lindskog, Prophetstown

May – Aug. 31:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Jan. – April 30:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Pair of Females:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura

Shorthorn Champion and Reserve Heifer:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Parker Lindskog, Prophetstown

Shorthorn Bull Calf Champion:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura


Cow and This Year’s Calf:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Bull Calf:  1. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Jan. – April 30:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark; 3. Nikki Ebersole, Sterling

Jan. – April 30:  1. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark

Pair of Females:  1. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark

Simmental Champion and Reserve Heifer:  1. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark; 2. Koby Kearns, Winslow


Family Exhibitor Pair of Females:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Alyssa R. Miller, Lanark; 3. Koby Kearns, Winslow


Heifer Champion Overall and Reserve:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City

Cow/Calf Champion Overall and Reserve:  1. Andrew Geiger, Sterling; 2. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Bull Calf Champion and Reserve:  1. Kyle J. Bird, Laura; 2. Cody Jacobs, Erie


Weight Division – 1:  1. Peyton Urish, Chadwick

Weight Division – 2:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Charlotte E. Musser, Pearl City; 3. Drake B. Musser, Pearl City

Crossbred Champion and Reserve:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Charlotte E. Musser, Pearl City


Top Ten Angus Steer:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City


Angus Division 1:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City

Angus Champion and Reserve:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Brea N. Musser, Pearl City

Hereford Division 1:  1. Jace Urish, Chadwick

Hereford Champion and Reserve:  1. Jace Urish, Chadwick

Shorthorn Division 1:  1. Allissa Martin, Oregon; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown

Shorthorn Champion and Reserve:  1. Allissa Martin, Oregon; 2. Adam Morgan, Prophetstown

Light Simmental:  1. Nikki Ebersole, Sterling; 2. Cody Jacobs, Erie

Heavy Simmental:  1. Bode V. Martin, Oregon; 2. Peyton Urish, Chadwick; 3. Brooke Chandler, Erie

Simmental Champion and Reserve:  1. Bode V. Martin, Oregon; 2. Peyton Urish, Chadwick

Grand Champion Overall and Reserve:  1. Koby Kearns, Winslow; 2. Koby Kearns, Winslow


Elaine Seevers of Cordova took Premier Exhibitor Honors in the Yeast Products Section, for the second year in a row.  Judith Ross of Camanche, IA, took Premier Exhibitor Honors in the Canned Goods Section, also for the second year in a row, at the 149th Annual Whiteside County Fair’s Open Culinary Show.


Yeast Products Sections (Sponsored by Red Star Yeast and Products, Milwaukee, WI):  Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Canned Goods Sections (Sponsored by Sullivan’s Foods):  Judith Ross, Camanche, IA


Judge’s Choice for Best Overall Canned Good:  Pat Barry, Morrison, for Peach Mango Habanero Jam

Judge’s Choice for Baked Goods:  Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison, for Turtle Cheesecake

Best Decorated Cake/Wedding Cake (Sponsored by Farmers National Bank):  Ann Schipper, Erie

Grandma’s Goodie Basket – Rosette Award:  Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison (Photo below)



Pears:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Ann Brackemyer, Morrison

Applesauce:  1. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 2. Ann Brackemyer, Morrison

Peaches:  1. Ann Brackemyer, Morrison; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Amy Other Pie Filling (fruit):  3. Megan Folkers, Morrison


Green or Yellow Beans:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Steven D. Schroeder, Morrison; 3. Ann Brackemyer, Morrison

Tomatoes:  1. Pat Barry, Morrison; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 3. Marissa Folkers, Morrison

Any other:  1. Pat Barry, Morrison; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison


Jellies (4 Kinds):  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Jams (4 Kinds):  1. Steven D. Schroeder, Morrison


Any Pepper Jelly:  1. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Strawberry Jelly:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Red Raspberry Jelly:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Black Raspberry Jelly:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Grape Jelly:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling

Any other Jelly:  1. Wendy Dobesh, Morrison; 2. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Red Raspberry Jam:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Black Raspberry Jam:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Peach Jam:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Jenniffer Eberley, Milledgeville

Cherry Jam:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Steven D. Schroeder, Morrison

Strawberry Jam:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Blackberry Jam:  1. Steven D. Schroeder, Morrison

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam:  1. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Jam:  1. Pat Barry, Morrison; 2. Jenniffer Eberley, Milledgeville; 3. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Sweet Cucumber Pickles:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Bread and Butter Pickles:  1. Louise Clark, Morrison; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Megan Folkers, Morrison

Dill Pickles:  1. Steven D. Schroeder, Morrison; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Pickles:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Marissa Folkers, Morrison; 3. Mark Hill, Morrison

Any other Relish:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Honey:  1. Randy Heide, Morrison; 2. Ellen Feltes, Morrison; 3. Wendy Dobesh, Morrison

Salsa:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Steven D. Schroeder, Morrison; 3. Pat Barry, Morrison

Butter:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Megan Folkers, Morrison


Tomato Juice:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2.Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon

Any other Juice:  1. Pat Barry, Morrison; 2. Steven D. Schroeder, Morrison; 3.Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon

Cider:  1.Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon

Wine:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2.Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon

Beer:  1.Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon


Pizza Sauce:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Spaghetti Sauce:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison


Loaf White Bread (Yeast):  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Whole Wheat Bread (Yeast):  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Ann Brackemyer, Morrison

Cinnamon Bread (Yeast):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown

French Bread (Yeast):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown

12″ Pizza Crust:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Yeast Bread:  1. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 2. Louise Clark, Morrison; 3. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Pretzels-3:  3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Yeast Rolls -3:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Abigail Temple, Fulton; 3. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown

Clover Leaf Rolls (Yeast)-3:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 3. Diane M. Collins, Cordova

Cinnamon Rolls (Yeast):  1. Louise Clark, Morrison; 2. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling; 3. Diane M. Collins, Cordova

Coffee Cake (Yeast):  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Carmel Pecan Rolls (Yeast):  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 3. Paul Hummel, Morrison

Pepper Bread:  1. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Garlic Bread:  1. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Zucchini Bread:  1. Kloee Snyder, Fulton; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Ashley Vandermyde, Morrison

Banana Bread (No Nuts):  1. Andy Sim, Morrison; 2. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 3. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Corn Bread (Small Loaf):  1. Ronald Pell, Morrison; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Lemon Bread:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Cranberry Bread:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Pumpkin Bread:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Alesha Riewerts, Hillsdale; 3. Diane M. Collins, Cordova

Nut Bread:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Date Nut Bread:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Quick Bread:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Turnover (3): 1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Baking Powder Biscuits (3):  1. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Raisin Bran Muffins (3):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 3. Diane M. Collins, Cordova

Blueberry Muffins (3):  1. Abigail Temple, Fulton; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Pumpkin Muffins (3):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 3. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Apple Muffins (3):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 3. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Corn Muffins (3):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Zucchini Muffins (3):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 3. Christy Abell, Tampico

Any other Muffins (3):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 3. Lori Neighbour, Morrison


Rhubarb Cake (No Frosting):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Angelfood (No Icing):  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Carrot Or Zucchini (White Icing):  1. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Cake:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Lemon Bars (3):  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Pudding Dessert:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Coconut Cake (Icing):  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

White 3 Layer Cake (Icing):  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

German Chocolate Cake (Icing):  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Bundt Cake (Icing):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Recipe Using A Boxed Mix (Icing):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Jello Cake:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Yellow Cake (Icing):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Devil’s Food Cake (Chocolate Icing):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Jelly Roll:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Dessert Pizza:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Applesauce Cake (Cream Cheese or Light Icing):  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Spice Cake (Icing):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Chiffon Cake:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Chocolate Sheet Cake (Icing):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Chessecake-Plain:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Amelia Richmond, Morrison; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Cheesecake-Fruit:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Cheesecake-Any Other:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Amelia Richmond, Morrison; 3. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Decorated Cake Pops (12):  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison


Most Unusual Decorated Cake (all edible):  1. Elizabeth Gabbard, Thomson

Best Decorated Cake (Some Non-Edible):  1. Elizabeth Gabbard, Thomson

Wedding Cake:  1. Ann Schipper, Erie; 2. Hannah Gabbard, Thomson


Decorated Sugar Cookies (12):  1. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Peanut Butter Cookies:  1. Andy Sim, Morrison; 2. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Sugar Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Linder, Morrison; 3. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown

Cake Mix Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Sandwich Cookies:  1. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 2. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Chocolate Chip Cookies:  1. Paul Hummel, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 3. Louise Clark, Morrison

M & M Cookies:  1. Paul Hummel, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Filled Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Gingerdrop Molasses Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Paul Hummel, Morrison

Drop Cookies:  1. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Oatmeal Cookies:  1. Ashley Vandermyde, Morrison; 2. Alesha Riewerts, Hillsdale; 3. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Applesauce Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Thumbprint Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Snickerdoodle Cookies:  1. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Paul Hummel, Morrison

Date Bars:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Carrot Bars:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Brownies:  1. Amelia Richmond, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison; 3. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

No Bake Cookies:  1. Andy Sim, Morrison; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Plain Rice Krispie Treats:  1. Louise Clark, Morrison; 2. Abigail Temple, Fulton; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Cereal Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Any other Cookies:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling; 3. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Best Display Cookies and Candy:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison


Divinity:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Carmels:  1. Alesha Riewerts, Hillsdale; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Chocolate Covered Cherries:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Bridal Mints:  1. Abigail Temple, Fulton; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA

Chocolate Fudge:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Candy, Any Other:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 3. Craig Sipes, Morrison

Cereal Mix:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Lori Neighbour, Morrison

Puppy Chow:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Flavored Popcorn:  1. Judith Ross, Camanche, IA; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown


Plain Crust:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Louise Clark, Morrison

Cherry:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Louise Clark, Morrison

Raisin, Plain or Cream:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Coconut Cream:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Louise Clark, Morrison

Candy Bar Pie:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Any other Pie:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Louise Clark, Morrison

Apple:  1. Amelia Richmond, Morrison; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Rhubarb:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Louise Clark, Morrison; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Lemon Meringue:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Berry:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Louise Clark, Morrison

Pumpkin:  1. Alesha Riewerts, Hillsdale; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Elaine Seevers, Cordova

Chocolate Cream:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Peanut Butter:  2. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 3. Jackie Damhoff, Morrison

Peach:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Louise Clark, Morrison

Pecan:  1. Louise Clark, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Banana Cream:  1. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 2. Louise Clark, Morrison; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison

Custard:  1. Louise Clark, Morrison; 2. Elaine Seevers, Cordova; 3. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison


Grandma’s Goodie Basket Display:  1. Mary Jo Tichler, Morrison; 2. Melisa Turner, Prophetstown


Sara Medendorp of Morrison for the fifth year in a row, earned Premier Exhibitor Honors and the gift certificate for the Most Blue Ribbons (41), at the 149th Annual Whiteside County Fair’s Open Floriculture Show.


Premier Exhibitor Award (by Behrz-Bloomz of Sterling)  Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Runner-up Award (by James Voss Family in memory of Evelyn Voss):  Donna Young, Sterling

Gift Certificate for Most Blue Ribbons:  Sara Medendorp, Morrison, with 41 Blue Ribbons

Best of Show Rosette Awards in Division I

Best Plant:  Pat Barry, Morrison, for Collection of Cactus/Succulents

Best Arrangement:  Sara Medendorp, Morrison, for Lilies

Best Table Setting:  Sara Medendorp, Morrison, for Dad’s Poker Night

Best Door:  Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling for Fall Door Decoration


“Dinner for Two”:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling; 3. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling

Dad’s Poker Night:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Supper on the Porch or Patio – Buffet: 1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling

A Little Bit Country:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling; 3. Jalayne Riewerts, Morrison

Christmas:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Formal Dinner:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Springtime Luncheon:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling


Collection of Cactus and/or Succulents (4 varieties):  1. Pat Barry, Morrison; 2. Raymond Gomez, Morrison; 3. Susan Devers, Morrison

Collection of African Violets (4 varieties)1. Betty Pruis, Morrison

Collection of House Plants (4 varieties):  1. Raymond Gomez, Morrison; 2. Raymond Gomez, Morrison; 3. Sandy K. Deutscher, Fulton

Single Entry of Unusual House Plant In Bloom:  1. Susan Devers, Morrison

Hanging Planter- Foliage:  1. Sandy K. Deutscher, Fulton; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls; 3. Theresa Zink, Rock Falls

Hanging Planter-Blooming:  1. Theresa Zink, Rock Falls; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Miniature Theme Garden:  1. Raymond Gomez, Morrison; 2. Raymond Gomez, Morrison

Three Miniature Hosta Leaves:  1. Diane M. Collins, Cordova; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 3. Diane M. Collins, Cordova


Collection of Coleus Leaves (6 varieties):  1. Luellen Lee, Morrison; 2. Susan Devers, Morrison; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Collection of Marigolds:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Zinnias, Large (6 varieties):  1. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 2. Donna Young, Sterling

Zinnias, Small (6 varieties):  1. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 3. Donna Young, Sterling

Three Hosta Leaves, Large:  1. Raymond Gomez, Morrison; 2. Raymond Gomez, Morrison; 3. Diane M. Collins, Cordova

Three Hosta Leaves, Small:  1. Susan Devers, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling; 3. Raymond Gomez, Morrison

Collection of Sunflowers (6 varieties):  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison


Geraniums:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Luellen Lee, Morrison

Lilies:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling

African Marigolds:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

French Marigolds:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 3. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Zinnias:  1. Luellen Lee, Morrison; 2. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 3. Donna Young, Sterling

Pansies:  1. Donna Young, Sterling

Petunias:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Luellen Lee, Morrison; 3. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Roses:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling

Daisies:  1. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Any other Cut Flower Than Listed:  1. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 2. Donna Young, Sterling


Arrangement by New Exhibitor:  1. Elizabeth Gabbard, Thomson; 2. Katie Selburg, Lyndon; 3. Christi Ryan, Sterling

Arrangement by Man Who Loves Flowers:  1. Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Arrangement of Mixed Flowers:  1. Donna Young, Sterling

Arrangement of One Kind:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling

Arrangement for Small Table:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Deb Foreman, Sterling

All Yellow Arrangement In Metal Container:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

My Favorite Arrangement:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 3.Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon

“Just In from the Garden” (arrangement in fruit jar):  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Leah Landis, Sterling; 3. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Arrangement Using Birdhouse as Container:  1. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Arrangement for the Kitchen:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Deb Foreman, Sterling

Arrangement of Wild Flowers  1.Mike S. Selburg, Lyndon; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Topiary Arrangement:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement Using Hat for Container:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls; 3. Donna Young, Sterling


Door Decoration-Golden Wedding Anniversary:  1. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 2. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Door Decoration-Spring:  1. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 2. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Door Decoration-Summer:  1. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 3. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison

Door Decoration-Fall:  1. Jennifer L. Witmer, Sterling; 2. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Door Decoration-Winter:  1. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 2. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Decorate a Chair for Garden with Plants:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison

Dried Plant Material Wall Hanging:  1. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Dried Plant Material, Not Wall Hanging:  1. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 2. Jalayne Riewerts, Morrison

Miniature Dried Arrangement:  1. Marcia A. Brands, Morrison; 2. Jalayne Riewerts, Morrison; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison


Tea Time Arrangement:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Christmas Centerpiece Arrangement:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Patriotic Arrangement for 4th of July:  1. Donna Young, Sterling

Arrangement of Hosta Leaves-Flower of 1 Color:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Luellen Lee, Morrison

Thanksgiving Arrangement:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling

Arrangement-New Baby:  1. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 2. Luellen Lee, Morrison; 3. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Best of Show Rosette Awards in Division II:

Best Arrangement:  Sara Medendorp, Morrison for Arrangement of Sunflowers

Best Arrangement:  Sara Medendorp, Morrison for Arrangement of Green in Green Container

Best Arrangement:  Sara Medendorp, Morrison for In Great Grandma’s Day Arrangement


Gloriosa Daisies:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Roses:  1. Donna Young, Sterling

Salvia:  1. Donna Young, Sterling

Marigolds:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Sunflowers:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Cosmos:  1. Donna Young, Sterling


Best Specimen Rose:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Best Specimen of a New Flower:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling

Best Specimen Large Gladiola:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Deb Foreman, Sterling

Best Specimen Miniature Gladiola:  1. Leah Landis, Sterling

Best Specimen-Hydrangea:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling


Arrangement Using One Kind of Flower:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Miniature Arrangement of Cut Flowers:  1. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement of Flowers for a Dining Room Table:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement of White In White Container:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement of Green In Green Container:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Luellen Lee, Morrison

Arrangement In a Small Wicker Basket:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Deb Foreman, Sterling

Celestial:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement Using Child’s Toy:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Arrangement for Porch or Patio:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement of Queen Anne’s Lace:  1. Luellen Lee, Morrison; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement of Coleus:  1. Luellen Lee, Morrison; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement-Western Theme:  1. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

In Great-Great-Grandma’s Day, A Victorian Arrangement:  1. Deb Foreman, Sterling; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 3. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

White Flowers In White Container:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement of Hydrangeas:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement of Mixed Flowers:  1. Donna Young, Sterling; 2. Sara Medendorp, Morrison

Arrangement-Music Theme:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Donna Young, Sterling; 3. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Arrangement-Sports Theme:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls

Arrangement With Driftwood:  1. Sara Medendorp, Morrison; 2. Austin Zink, Rock Falls


Aaron Mosher of Prophetstown took Champion-Mare-Overall for the second year in a row.  Lori Hemmersbach of Westby, WI, took Champion Gelding for the second year in a row at the Annual Whiteside County Fair’s Heavy Horse Show.


Champion-Mare-Overall:  Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown, with Belgian

Champion Gelding:  Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI

Champion Stallion-Overall-Breeds:  Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Junior Showmanship Awards (Drivers), Trophy sponsored by Northern American Draft Horse and Mule Assoc.:  1. Amanda Ludwig


Mare, 4 Years and Over:  1. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown; 2. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI; 3. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Champion Mare Over All:  1. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown

Best Pair of Mares:  1. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Gelding, 4 Years and Over:  1. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI; 2. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI

Champion Gelding:  1. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI

Stallion, 1 and 2 Years:  1. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Champion Stallion Over All:  1. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Breeder’s Herd:  1. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Get of Sire:  1. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI

Junior Showmanship:  1. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI


Four Horse Hitch:  1. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown; 2. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI; 3. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Team Hitch Junior Driver:  1. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Horsemanship Hitch:  1. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown; 2. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI; 3. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI

Team Hitch, Male Driver:  1. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown; 2. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI; 3. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Team Hitch, Lady Driver:  1. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI

Men’s Cart:  1. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown; 2. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI; 3. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Ladies’ Cart  1. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI

Six Horse Hitch:  1. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI; 2. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown

Below, Hemmersbach Percherons are in the foreground; Rock Creek Belgians are in the background.


Unicorn Hitch:  1. Aaron Mosher, Prophetstown; 2. Lori Hemmersbach, Westby, WI; 3. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Below, Larry Simmons drives his trio of Belgians with rider Amanda Ludwig.  The name Unicorn comes from the arrangement of a lead horse projecting ahead of a pair.


Junior Driver Cart:  1. Larry Simmons, Cuba City, WI

Amanda Ludwig, below, of Darlington, WI, is a 17-year-old Senior; she has driven draft horses on a cart for just a year.  She took first place in the Junior Driver Cart class, with a Belgian horse owned by Larry Simmons.  Ludwig also received a ribbon from the Northern Illinois Draft Horse Association.
