PTTPaintCanIn 1993, little did the members of CAPA know that they were creating such an event as Paint the Town (PTT) has become, over the last quarter of a century.  The Children’s Art Preservation Association (CAPA) created this unique art event as a way for the community to participate in the arts together, as families and individuals.

For one Saturday each September, Morrison’s downtown is transformed into an outdoor canvas.  Hundreds of amateur artists of all ages gather to Paint the Town.

CAPA leadership willingly extended whatever was needed to create an event that was improved over the previous year.  Visitors left each September making plans to attend next year.  That same leadership is showing signs of fatigue.  They are exposing publicly the need for more community involvement, in order to continue this special Saturday that, in many ways, defines Morrison.

It is painful to imagine a year without Paint the Town.  Recall memories that accompany a day of family and community interaction on the beautiful, historic, Morrison Main Street.  Picture the joy of your children or grandchildren participating in something as simple as creating a memory, with paints and brushes.  Afterwards that multi-block-long canvas was enjoyed by so many.

But, without a few volunteers stepping up to accept some leadership positions, the reality of Paint the Town for 2018 is seriously in jeopardy.

Morrison owns a tremendous reputation for its willingness to volunteer and carry out an assignment as needed.  That volunteer base has been extremely dependable each year, and a successful PTT is always the end result.  However, the need is for volunteers who are willing to be the organizing force and grasp the committee leadership handles.

It will take work throughout the winter and spring months to create Paint the Town.

The “worker bees,” who step forth in the hours prior to the event, are not in question.  The CAPA board has confidence that they will be as dependable as they have been for the past 23 years.

The Brick Block Pub inside Happy Joe’s Pizza, 109 W. Main Street, is reserved for 7:00 p.m., on Wednesday, May 2, 2018, for anyone interested in accepting a leadership role in the 2018 Paint the Town.  The knowledge and details of organizing a successful PTT exist, but it is time to “pass the baton” on certain responsibilities, to maintain the energy and excitement that accompanies this annual “paintarama.”

Anyone possessing the energy and ambition to consider a leadership role in organizing Paint the Town for 2018 is invited to attend the meeting.