BlazingStarRock Island County Soil and Water Conservation District is hosting a spring tree and native plant sale to promote conservation–including backyard conservation.  Consider planting native trees, shrubs, flowers, and grasses to promote diversity and wildlife habitat on your acreage or in your backyard.

Rock Island County SWCD is taking orders for seedlings, containerized trees, and potted plants through Friday, March 23, 2018.  Pick up is Thursday, April 26, and Friday, April 27, at the SWCD office, located at 3020 First Avenue East, Milan, IL.  Seeding quantities are limited; place your order soon to ensure availability.  Orders from outside Rock Island County are welcome.

The tree order form is available at or call to have one mailed.  For questions, contacts the SWCD staff at 309-764-1486.

One-gallon native potted plants available include:

  • Butterfly Milkweed
  • Purple Coneflower
  • Ox-Eye Sunflower
  • Rough Blazing Star
  • Shining Bluestar
  • Rose Mallow
  • Black Eyed Susan
  • Columbine.

Plants are being sold individually this year and may vary in size according to species.

Rock Island County SWCD is a local unit of government.  Sales benefit Rock Island SWCD’s mission of providing services to enhance, protect, conserve, and promote the soil, water, and related resources in Rock Island County.