SoilMicrobesSoil and water interactions will be the focus of a Soil and Water Management Webinar, sponsored by University of Illinois Extension on Saturday, February 20, 2018. The workshop will be held at the Lee County Extension Office in Amboy, IL. Presentations will be delivered via PowerPoint and web conferencing from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Other locations will be held around the State, so check out your local Extension Office for a site near you.

Registration is $45 per person, which includes lunch. The registration deadline is Tuesday, February 13. Register online at

“Those attending will hear about the latest University of Illinois research on soil erosion and how extreme weather affects nutrient transport. Other presenters from Purdue, Georgia, and Missouri will discuss cover crop selection, soil microbes, and soil health tests,” said Duane Friend, U of I Extension Educator.

Certified Crop Advisors will receive 4.5 Continuing Education Units in Soil and Water Management by attending this seminar.