What would you think of a person that tells you they would like to move to your community, because you have good schools, good roads, great libraries and parks, excellent police and fire departments, and a lot of nice, hard-working people–but they don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes to support all these amenities?  Personally, I’d tell them to go somewhere else.  You might be able to guess where that somewhere else is.

There is a widely-believed myth that illegal aliens do not pay taxes.  Too many people object to their being here, because they are a drain on our government resources.  The truth is just the opposite.  They pay sales tax (unless they do not buy anything), real estate tax (it is in their rent charge), income tax, and social security tax, because it is taken out of their pay checks.

They may send their children to our schools, but they can’t collect Social Security, because they don’t have a legal Social Security account.  They can’t collect unemployment either nor any welfare.  However, if the myths about them were true, we would be quite justified in objecting to their being here.

If corporations are persons–as the Supreme Court ruled–then why should we treat them any differently than anyone else?  Why should they be given tax breaks to come here, like Iowa’s Governor, Terry Branstad, giving Orascam some $300 million in tax subsidies?  Why should Illinois give Cronus Chemical, LLC $35 million in tax breaks?  

Whatever happened to “equal protection under the law?”

How can our elected officials vote for such nonsense and then tell us our pensions are costing too much money, and that they don’t have enough money to fund shelters for battered women?  Why should we give corporate persons tax write-offs, while telling needy Americans that feeding hungry children is more than our Government can afford? 

Shouldn’t corporate persons pay their fair share of taxes–like everyone else?

The auto bail-out should be a good example to follow.  If we, the people, bail them out, then we, the people, have ownership, stock, in companies we bail out.  We, the people, should be able to recover our investment.  If these companies need help, fine.  I’d rather they owe the tax and pay later, than not pay at all.  Why should they have all the benefits and the rest of us pick up the tab? 

Actually, we are better off with illegal immigrants than freeloading corporations.  The immigrants contribute tax revenue, but don’t take, while these corporations take, but don’t contribute their fair share.